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Date Posted: 18/03/20

Good morning to you all,

We’ve been thinking a lot about you lately – our customers, our employees and our greater communities.

Whilst we are striving to run our businesses largely as normal, your health and safety are our top priorities and at the heart of every decision we make. We believe it is critical to do our part to help reduce the transmission of COVID-19. Here are some of the steps we are taking to protect everyone in this ever-evolving situation.

As our number one priority is the health and well-being of our customers and employees, we have expanded our daily practices to maintain a clean and safe environment within our branches by introducing additional measures that reflect the recommended World Health Organisation and Public Health England guidelines.

Other measures to protect our clients and our colleagues, include:

  • All staff are fully aware of the above guidance and are strictly adhering to it.

  • All staff are regularly washing their hands in line with the above advice.

  • Our travelling staff (accompanied viewing co-ordinators and valuers) have been asked not to shake hands or get too close to people during their daily routine.

  • On viewings, our staff will ask if they can wash their hands, if possible, on arrival at a property and avoid shaking hands etc, as well as trying to keep a distance between themselves and any vendors/applicants.

  • We are asking buyers and sellers alike if they are displaying symptoms, or have been in contact with anyone who is, prior to appointments, to let us know immediately.

What can you do?

If you are buying or selling through us, we will be offering our normal services whilst taking the above guidance into consideration. If you are not affected by the symptoms above, then nothing will change and we will still be able to conduct your viewings and you will be able to have your property appraised as before.

If you are looking to view a property or are selling a property through us and feel you have a temperature or continuous cough, please inform us that you will be self-isolating asap and we will re-arrange any appointments for a later date.

Whilst the environment around us is uncertain, take comfort in the fact that we are a first class team who are here and ready to help you move – because sometimes we all need a break from the news.

Thank you for being a part of the Putterills family and please take care of yourselves and each other.

The Putterills Directors